Share your insights with young leaders (and United Nations experts) as a mentor

Thank you for your interest in giving back to some of the region’s most promising young leaders (and future collaborators).

As a mentor, you will engage and benefit in 3 ways:

  1. Be invited to engage with expert researchers from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and young leaders at our virtual forum co-organized with UNDP — TogetHDR: The Global Youth Forum on Collective Action for Human Development

    • Save the date: July 19, 2024 9 PM—11 PM Malaysia/Singapore Time

    • If you remain an active mentor (i.e., participate in the steps below), we will prioritize considering you for referrals to future high-level UN youth consultations and events during fall 2024

  2. Participate in a 1.5 hour discussion via Zoom on either July 13 or July 20 (your choice) alongside other mentors to share your experiences with Room for Peace fellows who run initiatives in diverse areas including climate, education, urbanization, and social issues.

    • You will receive the questions beforehand and there will be a moderated audience Q&A.

  3. Join a private LinkedIn community intended for fellows to stay in touch with each other and share career questions for mentors. While you are certainly not obligated to engage fellows 1 on 1 (we recognize things are busy), once a month we may email you any career question relevant to your experience for a brief (<100 words) answer to benefit all fellows.

    • If there is a Room for Peace fellow(s) with a strong alignment to your work, we may connect you via email as a possible mentor. Though we’d appreciate if you follow up with an introduction, you are not obligated to engage with matched fellows by any specific frequency or channel — it depends on your interest and capacity.


Frequently asked questions

Be recognized for sharing your knowledge with young leaders

As an active mentor (i.e., participating in the steps above), we look forward to recognizing your contributions through:

  • A certificate of recognition and optional social media script you can use to share with your network on LinkedIn and social media

  • Mentions and tags in our Room for Peace social media posts thanking mentors for their generosity and knowledge shared

  • Prioritizing you in consideration for our endorsement to join high-level regional youth consultations, UN events, and other global programs occurring in fall 2024

  • We estimate being a mentor will involve about 4 hours across the month of July. This includes 1.5 hours to join the youth forum with UNDP, 1.5 hours to participate in a Room for Peace discussion session, and about 1 hour for further interactions with fellows (e.g., answering emailed questions).

    Beyond July, if you choose to remain an active mentor, we estimate you will engage with the Room for Peace community about 1 hour a month to provide brief answers to relevant career questions (if any) that fellows forward you.

    As evidenced above, this is a light-touch role where you have significant control over time spent, as we know the most valuable mentorship comes from genuine alignment of interest and availability.

  • No, simply email us a brief description of your qualifications. We are looking for mentors with some meaningful experience leading or participating in relevant social projects/initiatives or industries (e.g., social sector, NGOs, or private sector focused on relevant sustainable development challenges).

  • No, being a mentor is a volunteer role. As with the rest of Room for Peace, there is no charge or fee to be a mentor, thanks to the generous support of funders at institutions including Duke University.

  • We plan to distribute personalized Certificates of Recognition by email to all active mentors (i.e., those who fully participate as described in the steps above) at the end of July. We will also share an optional social media script to make it even easier for you to share your contributions on LinkedIn or social media.

  • Yes, we would love to work with you on sharing Room for Peace. Please reach out to with the below message: "Hi, I am a mentor and would like to help share Room for Peace" and we will send you social media templates.

    We are also available to offer feedback to active mentors on how to include this opportunity on your LinkedIn or resume.

  • We hope to meet you face-to-face online soon, but until then - we are a team of young professionals and students from Southeast Asia and the United States. Room for Peace is a program of South-North Scholars ( We are the global youth-led network on sustainable development and have connected over 3,000 youth in 100+ countries (including most of Southeast Asia) with experts at the United Nations and beyond.